Ledes of my Life

"My life in the news world."



So I've just got back from my 3 week stint in Texas. It flew by very quick. And I left wishing I still had weeks left to spend there. I came down on Aug. 6th for Kara's wedding. She was so beautiful. I had very little sleep, but it was all very worth it. We ran around fixing things for the reception and finding ties. I am so happy for her and Tommy. It was nice to be able to see old faces, and hang out with Jenna & Maria. love them.
I spent the rest of my time in East Texas...at my grandparents. Their farm is completely relaxing. I spent my time with Bryce, Maggie, Ryles sitting out by the pool and going on nightly walks. We went camping at Tyler State Park for several days, surviving the heat thanks to the RV with air conditioning. It was also there where Holly discovered Skinny Cows at the little store. So began our family's obsession (or maybe just mine) with them. (Skinny Cows are ice cream treats...that happen to be ridiculously healthy for you! hallelujah. thank you to whoever invented them, I can now eat ice cream guiltlessly.)

We also shopped a lot in Tyler. I finally found some decent skirts for Israel that met the qualifications. (And now that I'm getting ready to pack...it seems I have less clothes to take than I imagined...problem? I'm not sure.) I got to hang out with Lori, Paul & Bryce in Longview. He got his braces on while I was there. Poor kid. So glad those years are over. (5 to be precise).

We saw Time Traveler's Wife, which ended up being very sad I thought, but good. Nothing like GI Joe, we saw the week before, haha.
So now that im back in good 'ole Nebraska (cough) im frantically trying to pack everything I need, do all the last minute stuff I procrastinated on, and squeeze in some time with the family. I leave on Monday for SLC, then Tuesday on Delta Flight 1672.
I'm going to really try to be vigilant about writing in this blog while I'm gone, since I will not have a cell phone.