Ledes of my Life

"My life in the news world."


General Conference this past weekend was great. I felt spiritually uplifted and loved the underlying tone of hope in all the talks. (Especially during this time as the economy struggles and the presidential election looms closer.) I enjoyed Elder Worthlin's talk about "come what may and love it". Elder Hollands was unique. It is not often that we discuss angels.

I've been hanging out with my roommates a lot. They are a treat. and a tad boy crazy. hehe. Everyone is getting excited for this weekend, since it is Homecoming. 3 of my roommates have dates to the dance. Luckily, I'll be in Colorado and don't have to worry about that.

I think my journalism classes are going well. My T.A. told me last week that I was a very good writer, which made my week. It was a nice boost to my self confidence.

This weekend I am going to Grand Junction, Colorado for a Resident Assistant conference. I am part of a group that will be presenting on the subject of identity and helping college freshmen find their identities. I'll try to update on how that goes.