Ledes of my Life

"My life in the news world."


I am finally updating. I know. It's a miracle. Things are so crazy busy here. Let me try to sum up the semester.

Came back for winter semester at BYU. I'm taking a bunch of GE's, and hating almost all of them. I cannot wait to take classes for my major. (Which I am officially accepted into now as of February. I am so happy to be a print major!)
Anyways...my classes: LDS History with Susan Easton Black who is such a wonderful and brilliant professor. Humanities 201 wouldn't be so bad if my professor wasn't so incompetent half the time. The medieval times do not interest me that much. I took a snowboarding class for half of the semester (it is currently over). I went up at least once a week and snowboarded at Sundance Resort. It's only 20 minutes away from my apartment. Then there is my Archaeology class of North America. I originally thought it would be more interesting.....
I love my art history 202 class. It's a very intense class with a lot of work, but it is my favorite. I seem to be doing pretty well on the written exams, which is always good. I've learned that I like art quite a bit, I just can't actually create it.
My Book of Mormon class is going alright. It is an honors class, which I will never do again. The freshmen in there are ridiculously loud and have the "know it all" attitude which I detest. It's very annoying.
I'm volunteering once a week at the elementary school down the road again. I have really grown to love my 3rd grade class. It's nice when they're always excited to see you.

I got a gym membership at 24 hour fitness to work off the freshman 15 I gained last year. It's going pretty well, though half way through the month I stopped going because I got a really bad case of a sinus infection.
I went to Texas over Valentines weekend to visit my family! It was such a wonderful birthday present. I miss them so much and wish I could go all the time. It was also a much needed break from the dorms and stresses at work.
My 20th birthday was fabulous. I love not being a teenager anymore, and I feel like I have learned a lot since I have been on my own in college, especially this year managing my own finances, etc.

hmm...let's see. What has happened this month? I went to the temple for the first time in forever! It was wonderful, and the Provo temple is always packed. My stake also went to the Draper Temple Open House which was beautiful. I wanted to stay all day.

I am currently applying to study in Israel for the fall!!!! I am mailing my application this Saturday with high hopes of being accepted. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a foreign country for 4 months! New culture, food, languages...I am excited/anxious.

It has been really busy as of late. I am trying to just complete my school work. I often feel like doing nothing, but that is not reality. I have organized and will be putting on an Etiquette dinner for 90 people on Saturday! I do not think I have planned an event this large before. I am just crossing my fingers that all will work out okay.

I am going to the David Archuletta concert in Salt Lake on Friday with Courtney, Sara, Steph and Hilary. They are such a fun group and it should be awesome.

Tyler V. is visiting this week too!! I am sooo hoping we will get to spend a little time together before he leaves on his mission next month to Romania! We practically lived together last year. He was my sanity and is one of my best friends.

Anyways...i'll try to update a little more often...get in the use of this just incase I do get accepted to Israel...because this will probably be my only way of communicating to the masses! (I have no idea if i'll have a cell phone, and supposedly the internet is direly slow)

(The pic is of Haylee, my roommate, me and my friend Rel, that lives in our building and is from Mckinney. We went to a neon dance this past weekend as a late celebration of haylee's b-day)