Ledes of my Life

"My life in the news world."


So it is snowing...again. I'm a little tired of the cold...though I don't mind wearing my rain boots. I just splash through all the puddles on campus. At least it's not sticking so I don't have to shovel our building's sidewalks.

I worked last night...so it was another late night...with less sleep. :/

Our apartment's shower has been fixed...courtesy of me. My roommates don't call maintenance. Supposedly it flooded our bathroom yesterday morning when one of them was showering. They thought it was because of the caulking...but really it was because it was sooo clogged...courtesy of one of my roommates who has the ability to clog a bathtub in like...2 days? I'm excited to go home when I"ll be the only one clogging our shower...haha.

I wrote yesterday...which was refreshing. Not like for my journal or anything. It was for a class, but we had creative free reign. I just sat and mulled over 2 pages for an hour or so. I wish I had time to do that more often. I can't wait for my journalism classes to start then I'll be doing it all the time!

Fun fact of the week: The grocery store forgot to put some of my stuff in my bag this week when I checked out...so i've basically been living off a package of hot dogs. It's disgusting I know. I'm such a college student.