Ledes of my Life

"My life in the news world."


Bronx Week: Designing a feature page for real newspaper

This is a draft of the page that ran. A few tweaks were made after this.

So, I have many things to update and not enough time. First things first: I designed the feature page for my internship at The Riverdale Press. and it ran. And everyone loved it. So...drumroll....I will be designing the feature page (called Focus On) for the remainder of my internship. (I expect yelps of joy from everyone as you read this.)

I also had my second byline run in this week's paper. Check out the link here.
Basically several groups in the area received awards for community service. I love writing about Boy Scouts. Probably just remind me of my brothers.

And nurses rallies. Can't forget about those. I interviewed a bunch of union workers from a local hospital. You can see that article at riverdalepress.com.

I've decided I love writing obituaries and in a greater effort to improve my writing, will attempt to make them more colorful, interesting and creative.


Anonymous said...

this looks amazing Jordan! Good job!

D. Watts said...

really looks fabulous jordan im so impressed congrats!